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The DK2 works fine on middle-line GPUs. I'm certain this one will too.

Edit: I meant "worked"

Don't know what's wrong with my previous comment, but one can assume NV970 will be more or less main stream at the time the rift goes main stream. And since it's the recommended config (not _minimal_), most game will still be _enjoyable_ with maybe a 960.

No need for a Titan.

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Yes, but that's also true for 4k gaming. It's not an issue at all for PC gamers to get a 970.


That is pretty damning on the amount of users with a 970/780ti/980/980ti/titan x. My 560ti plays most games at a decent resolution in mid-settings at 144hz. It is hard to validate a $400 replacement for non-time consuming entertainment.

Note: a 970 is in the top 6 -- http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/high_end_gpus.html

Yes, but a lot of those users with lower end GPU are playing games like League of Legends, World of Warcraft, Hearthstone, Starcraft 2, etc. They are not the players that are going to rush out and order first-gen VR.

> lower end GPU are playing games like League of Legends, World of Warcraft, Hearthstone, Starcraft

None of those games you listed are available on the Steam shop and aren't included in the stats linked. The Steam stats do have tons of other games and is pretty much the most accurate consensus on PC gamer's hardware.

And GTX 970 is pretty much in the top 5% of GPU hardware, the vast majority 90%+ of PC gamers aren't even close to that.

Really? My understanding was that VR required extremely high framerates to provide a satisfying experience to the user.

Officially recommended graphics hardware is a GTX970, which are a much more palatable $3-400.

I've never dropped more than $150US on a video card, and that was before the Canadian dollar tanked.

I'm thinking I'm going to be waiting a bit before getting into this business.

IMO, for Nvidia the *70's are the sweet spot at about $300. They perform well enough that they last for a while and aren't obsolete quickly (my main problem with buying at the lower-middle end), but don't have the absurd diminishing returns of something like the Titans.

The specs of the Oculus Rift are fairly steep and are basically a middle high end gaming PC, but they have said that the requirements won't change over the life of the device so it'll go down. It was about time for a GPU upgrade for me anyway, so I've been pondering over going for a new GPU + Rift.

If I recall correctly, the DK2 tops at 75Hz, wich is not so extreme.

yup and CV1 is 90HZ

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