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No camera. Less space than a ThinkPad. Lame.

To be fair to CmdrTaco, I wouldn't have wanted a 1st-gen iPod either. Did you ever use the old ones? They really had a lot of kinks to work out and in my opinion were not the best mp3 players on the market.

Other than being physically larger, I really prefer the old iPods to the new ones. Sure, they didn't have video/photo/games/whatever, but they did one thing and did it very well.

The iPad, by contrast, seems to do lots of things, but does none of them very well. It's a device that's too big to fit in your pocket, but too small to be comfortable using for long stretches at a time. I guess it's about the right size for an eBook reader, but who wants to read books off an LCD?

Surely aristus is making an homage, otherwise, this is too rich

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