>This is incredible and has great significance to the maker community. I would buy this over the Apple watch and would wear it too! It would go well with my nixie watch.
It's not entirely clear to me whether the poster of that comment is in fact the real Steve Woz (it seems that that's his only post on the site; there's not a lot to go off of to distinguish it between a parody account and the actual guy). I sure hope it is though!
I don't think I'll ever buy the actual Apple Watch, at least this generation and the next. But I'd much less reluctantly plop down $300 for this, not because of its functionality, but just for being a style accessory (isn't that the main point of watches these days) and a clever one at that. I wonder if Woz has seen this? He'd probably buy one and then try to get Integer BASIC working on it.
LOL. Damn, I've been so trained to not read the comments on articles that I didn't even bother checking. Of course Woz chimed in, and did so in his typical low key way.
Long time Instructable user. Fwiw, The comments section on Instructables is quite healthy/proactive/helpful. The community does a good job at policing, similar to HN.
Come on guys, don't be so mean!
It is just something for fun!
I may spend money on this but not on the actual Apple watch... At least I can have fun with this toy.
>This is incredible and has great significance to the maker community. I would buy this over the Apple watch and would wear it too! It would go well with my nixie watch.