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Go into work 2 hours early, but spend the first 2 hours just setting up your new company. Use lunch breaks and downtime as well. Do this until the income from the new company is 50% of your salary, then quit.

I would _really_ recommend not doing this. Anything you do using employer resources is employer property and can cause major headaches for you down the road.

Definitely. Better to go to a coffee shop to work for 2 hours before heading into the office rather than take any chances.

He said it was an option. He didn't say it was necessarily a good one.

It is bad in a totally different way than his other patently silly ones (become a tour guide in NZ) though because it's not obvious what's wrong with it unless you know how IP is attributed and the marginal utility of working in your employer's office vs a starbucks down the street is not worth risking all of your IP.

The risks with going to NZ and becoming a tour guide are much more obvious.

That is why that option is particularly pernicious.

Exactly, and it's ruling out the less desirable options at the very beginning that may keep you from stumbling upon more desirable variants of them later on. Don't brain storm with a pencil, the eraser will end up "costing" you more than you'll save on paper.

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