If I understand this correctly, they will have live play-by-play audio at crunchgear.
"This is where all of our live content for today’s Apple event will live. To make things perfectly clear, Apple won’t let us film inside the event. However, CrunchGear and a special surprise guest will offer a full play by play. Feel free to turn on your headphones at work and listen to the news as it happens or watch us live complete with coverage from San Francisco before and after the event.
We will start streaming live at 12:30pm EST/9:30am PST and the event begins at 1pm EST/10am PST."
It'd be a great opportunity for anyone doing video. I think the real reason that they don't stream live is that the video quality usually isn't that great. By releasing the videos later they can provide higher quality and give it a more polished feel.
No, unfortunately (or fortunately?) there isn't. There will likely be a webcast stream available on Apple's site later today - usually a couple of hours after the event ends.
http://technologizer.com/appletablet/ says they have live coverage of the event, and their site looks like it has video... but it probably doesn't because the text says "tell" not "show":
We’ll tell you about the event as quickly as it unfolds
It's always the same: During the event you get live transcripts from the usual suspects, maybe an unofficial audio or video stream that sounds and looks as if it were transmitted live from hell. After the event, with maybe ten to twenty minutes delay, the Apple website will be back up and after a few hours (four or so) you can watch the webcast provided by Apple. But maybe don't try that in the first four hours or so if you want decent quality.