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Unless this was meant tongue-and-cheek (and even then, it wasn't very funny), it was a dumb post promoting cartoonish stereotypes.

Did you feel somehow attacked? The post gives the appropriate disclaimer upfront. And generalization is necessary to make any kind of point.

It's not about promoting, it's about honest observations. Which is what makes this interesting.

I think the speaking "written English" idea is very plausible.

Does anyone else crave direct, honest, borderline offensive observations about themselves? People tend to be so darn polite that sometimes I feel like I never actually know what people think of me. Maybe it's because I was home schooled and for a long time I was socially awkward and didn't realize when I was doing or saying something weird or stupid. Now as an adult I prefer people to just tell me what they think about what I'm saying or doing.

Getting married fixes that :-)

But seriously, some of the best insights on my personality and the way I interact with other people have come from my wife. Usually when she's pissed off, but at least it's accurate and honest.

I too am married, and maybe it's that exposure to pure, loving honesty about myself that has opened my eyes to how rarely people really give you good feedback about yourself.

Allow me to interrupt you mid-sentence to say "tongue in cheek."

It was also a summary of the direct observations of a field professional in a large group of subjects.

I didn't see any reason to see it as a cartoonish stereotype. It looked like honest reporting based on observation. In addition, from what I have seen it is very accurate.

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