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But most of the money isn't in the vault. It's on the computers. I agree that most of the work has been way overblown. Geohot even lists some of the reason why he's not getting involved in hacking other aspects of the system. You don't need to decrypt the BD drive unless you are trying to bypass the encryption on games. Some commenters are asking specifically on how to run pirated copies and this undermines the value of the platform.

Access to the HV, memory, and GPU are things that are wanted and don't involve pirating. It would be great if their was an alternative DLNA controller/renderer available. Frankly, browsing hundreds of albums and videos sucks with the XMB. Using 100s of different BT devices would be great.

This could open it up to a bigger development community than the one sony sactions. Similar in ideas to the iPhone jailbreaking.

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