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Oh, I'm not asserting that it is, just that it sounds like it might be, based on the description in the Github README. If you're actually familiar with Perl 6 and don't view that to be true, I'd trust your assessment over my hypothesis!

I'd recommend you take a look. It's certainly got some of the features of Ruby that had to be bolted on to Perl 5 (objects, for example), but it's still recognizably Perl, and it has a number of features built-in nicely that feel bolted-on or just downright ornery in Ruby (Unicode, concurrency, to mention two big ones). OOP in Perl 6 is beyond anything I've used anywhere else, except maybe Moose on Perl 5 (which is bolted-on).

I think the most accurate thing to say is that there has been a lot of cross-pollination between Perl and Ruby, it goes both ways, and it has been going on for the entire life of Ruby and Perl 6. But, Ruby is Ruby and Perl 6 is recognizably a Perl variant.

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