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I see no reason why it couldn't run in a separate container. You'd probably have to mount the postgres socket directory and the WAL archive dir into it, but it could be tricky - true. But containers are just a tool. Some things are not suitable to run in containers, don't try to shoe-horn everything into them.

Other than that, there's no problem running postgres itself in a container - as long as your data is stored in a volume ending up being bind-mounted on the local disk, and not on the layered filesystem - otherwise performance will suffer badly.

And yes - orchestration - especially on small-scale - is still a sore point. All the tools like kubernetes seem to focus on large scale and scaling multiple instances of the same containers - which is not what I and many people need. Something like docker-composer, but in daemon form would be nice.

Personally, I've run into weird issues sharing sockets and other files that need to be read+write on both containers. One thing is you have to set up the users very carefully/similarly in both containers, due to file ownership issues with bind mounts (UIDs have to align in both containers).

Agreed about not shoehorning things into containers. Redis, for instance, should be ran with custom kernel parameters (transparent huge pages disabled), so doesn't fit well in the container paradigm since containers share the same kernel.

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