Saxon Math is getting kids numerate to a high school level where constructivist horseshit is not.
Saxon Math is largely drill and repetition based, with some practical applications like counting money and so forth.
Therefore, you're wrong. QED.
As for what American students in general are doing, drill and repetition were how it was taught in the mid 20th century, when America led the world in science and technology. (My father was given a pencil with no eraser in the second grade; the teacher told the class "You're second graders now. You shouldn't be making mistakes.") We abandoned that sometime in the sixties and it's been downhill since.
Saxon Math is largely drill and repetition based, with some practical applications like counting money and so forth.
Therefore, you're wrong. QED.
As for what American students in general are doing, drill and repetition were how it was taught in the mid 20th century, when America led the world in science and technology. (My father was given a pencil with no eraser in the second grade; the teacher told the class "You're second graders now. You shouldn't be making mistakes.") We abandoned that sometime in the sixties and it's been downhill since.