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Google Voice for iPhone and Palm WebOS (googlevoiceblog.blogspot.com)
65 points by peter123 on Jan 26, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

"That's a pretty nice browser ya got there. Mind if I use it to bypass your crazy policy decisions?"

"Google is of course free to provide Google Voice on the iPhone as a web application through Apple’s Safari browser..." -- http://www.apple.com/hotnews/apple-answers-fcc-questions/

The new web app is really sweet.

However, as a Canadian who has a US-based Google Voice number (Montana, eh) functionality is actually reduced on the iPhone.

Now the app initiates a call to a different US number (operated by Google) to then present the Google Voice number as the "who's calling" number.

This results in a long distance call. Before this, calls were initiated by calling the iPhone. Inbound = no long distance charges.

I can still initiate the old way by using the desktop browser instance of Google Voice on a desktop PC, but not from the phone because it auto-detects. Rats!

Oh well. I love the service and can't wait for it to be launched worldwide formally.

These dudes have been doing something similar: http://voicecentral.riverturn.com/

Sweet! I've been using some 3rd party apps for the Pre, but they've been kinda hit or miss (mostly miss).

It's good, but it's not the same.

Why do they block Gecko browsers with user agent string detection? Google's vendetta against Mozilla annoys me so.

Doesn't Mozilla get most of its revenue from a Google search deal?

(the reason they block Mozilla is this mobile site/app probably uses Webkit extensions that won't work on Mozilla)

I change my user agent string, and everything works just fine. They use HTML5 things like local storage, and advanced CSS3 features, but Firefox has all of those things implemented.

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