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BookBook - a stealthy cover for MacBook (twelvesouth.com)
50 points by helwr on Jan 26, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 16 comments

"A novel way to cover MacBook" may just be the best (worst?) play on words ever.

Very much exciting the "WANT" circuit in my brain. The price prevents it from firing, but I love the idea of opening up a book in class to take notes / compile code.

Only thing I'm questionable on: the * ziiiiip * sound when you open it. Very un-book-like. But better than velcro.

There are some paper notebooks which close using a magnet embedded in the cover. Not very harddisk-friendly, though.

The MagSafe socket (not the plug) on all MacBooks made since 2006 is magnetized also. If we still had floppy disks this might be a problem but I don't think it is in this age of CD/DVD and USB key media.

I doubt a magnet that small would cause any problems. I'm not sure about the new MacBooks Pros, but the old ones had an embedded magnet that I think was used to detect the screen closing.

As far as I'm aware, all Mac laptops now use magnets to keep the screen closed. Quite strong ones, really, they easily keep it from being accidentally opening.

That said, at least some of them have put the HDD in the back now, instead of near the front (don't know if it's all). It could be that the magnetic closing was part of the decision to move them.

Hard drives have two extremely powerful neodymium magnets in them anyway, attached to the arm which moves back and forth. Millimetres from your platters. I have a hunch that a fairly steady magnetic field is probably fine, it's erratic/alternating magnetic fields which are likely to kill things.

But... if the glowing logo is covered, how can you warn the entire coffee shop that CREATIVE THINGS are most likely happening on your screen?

Admittedly, typing on what appears to be a sideways book is a good way to draw more attention to yourself, so it may be an effective strategy.

Clever idea. I can't tell whether this is line is meant to be a joke or not:

"And third, the stylish case protects you from being like everyone else because BookBook is totally original, just like you."


I got a plain black leather cover for my 13" Macbook Pro, mostly to protect it, but also because I wanted to cover over the glowing logo that announces my excellent taste in computer hardware.

Consequently, I've several times had people who were driven to distraction attempting to guess what sort of laptop I'm typing on.

It's a curious fact of life that hiding the logo and the style cues makes the laptop more iconic and if possible more desirable.

If you're curious here's the one I got http://www.macally.com/EN/Product/ArticleShow.asp?ArticleID=...

Original BUT extremely expensive.

Maybe they're assuming that if you dropped 2x as much on a notebook because it had an Apple logo on the back, $80 isn't going to really faze you.

Disclaimer: I use only Macs.

A Booq Vyper is $50, so this isn't too crazy considering each one is different.

If you intend to use your 'book without taking it out of the, well, book cooling might be a problem.

I don't believe MBP's vent or cool from the bottom, so I think it'd be fine.

Very elegant, but non-functional case who's zipper/head will scrape up the corners of the precious mac inside. :(

property of... used to make the best sleeve I've seen, but sadly no longer.

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