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Do you put your personal todos in Asana? Because to me there always has to be a division between personal and collaborative tools since the needs are so different.

As I've grown from lead developer on a 3-person team to CTO of a 40-person company I've had to get more serious about my GTD practice. Where once I had several inboxes: OmniFocus for personal/recurring tasks, then Gmail, Pivotal, GitHub and Trello, now I've doubled down on OmniFocus as the source of truth for my workload. That doesn't mean projects are managed there, only my personal tasks related to the project that will take longer than 2 minutes make it there. Chucking things into OF from many different sources becomes very easy with Quick Entry and Clippings tools, and it is invaluable for planning each day and making sure things don't slip through the cracks. Typically I'm collecting things in OF all day and flagging important things, but at the beginning of the day I actually set a Focus on work projects, and write out in my notebook the list of priorities for that day. I know GTD is all about getting away from re-writing lists, but I find it helpful to have a hard copy of my foci sitting in front of me that doesn't take up screen real estate is impervious to the daily influx of distractions.

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