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>Do you really think there's no way for a restaurant to screw up a wine pairing?

I guess I don't think it's that important of an issue regardless of whether it was screwed up or not - certainly not enough to publicly cheer the demise of someone's business. There are reasons that some restaurants should be closed. Food handling practices that endanger public health is one example. Serving wine from the wrong part of Europe at a restaurant where the food is critically acclaimed, however, isn't one - at least in my opinion.

If you were served some fresh lake trout, and the restaurant paired it with a rich malbec - you honestly don't think that sort of behavior isn't the sort of thing that you should warn other people to stay away from?

For some of us a chunky Malbec goes fine with anything. It's all subjective.

It's a tasting menu. The point of it is to taste good. You don't get to pick and choose, the restaurant picks everything. If they don't do a good job of pairing wine with the food on a tasting menu, customers won't be satisfied. If the restaraunteur responds to customers not liking the wine pairings by blaming them for posting bad Yelp reviews rather than changing the wine pairings, well, there's some natural consequences to that.

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