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Very hard sell. Most people love not sleeping in a box, and love their double or queen size beds.

And how would ventilation work? The box is powered, with its own climate control? What about safety such as waking suddenly in the dark and cracking your head on your sound proof box, or needing a quick exit in emergency?

Nobody wants a very large ugly thing in their small bedroom, used only sometimes. Can it be folded away? Unlikely.

Sorry, but a sound proof box for sleeping in is the worst idea I've heard in a long time!! Funny though. A better idea is noise cancelling headphones which can be worn in bed - soft, no hard edges or wires so can sleep on your side without issue.

> ... is the worst idea I've heard in a long time.

That's probably what most people said about twitter the first time they heard about it. I suspect there's a way to make this concept work quite nicely. After all, people also don't mind spending a lot of time in cars, which are also air-controlled soundproofed boxes.

I still say that about Twitter!

And the topic here is sound proofing an apartment. Think about how small an apartment bedroom is, and imagine installing a pod big enough, heavy enough and practical for moving out of the way when you don't need it. Wouldn't work. Forget about it!

...unless the "pod" only covers your head somehow, "cone of silence style" while you sleep. There might be something in that, but a pod for your whole body is not practical in an apartment bedroom.

Definitely not for the apartment, but I did happen to check out and stay in a rent-able nap pod (10-15€/hr) while passing through MUC. It was a surprisingly pleasant experience - http://www.napcabs.com/

For sure, I don't doubt it was comfortable. They look like proper installed commercial pods.

But as you say, not for an apartment - which is the point of this topic on sound proofing.

Do you know how hygiene/bedding works in those things? I would hate to go into one just after someone left and they were using the sheets/bed.

I didn't experience firsthand, but apparently cleaning staff are dispatched when you "check out". For what it's worth, the bedding seemed fresh and the room was spotless. (I didn't check more carefully with a UV light for invisible stains.)

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