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Andrew Warner's latest interview with Seth Godin (mixergy.com)
63 points by covercash on Jan 26, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments

Most of the people Andrew interviews will play ball--he pushes back on a short answer, asking for more, and they oblige (thinking specifically of Noah Everett... he wouldn't stop opening up!). Not so with Godin, he tells you what he wants you to know and no more in an attempt to lead you to find or stumble on the insights that will help you learn more about yourself and what you do well.

Finished watching it, another vote for "well worth watching". Given me a lot to think about personally.

Agreed. This is by far the most enriching interview I've seen on mixergy. And theres been some excellent ones.

The comments in this thread are one reason why it might not be so good for folks to ask their readers to vote them up on HN...

It might be worth asking viewers to share with everyone what they learned or what they disagree on (backed by a counter argument). We are a bunch that likes to learn from other people's opinions and engage in interesting discussions.

Whenever I introduce someone to HN I make sure to lay down the rules of the land first and when I come across comments like the ones below I usually try to engage them more rather than vote them down.

Not that it really matters at this point, but I didn't come here from Andrew's site to comment on this link specifically, but I had watched it earlier in the day and came across it here completely randomly.

For the record, I posted my comment before Andrew added the HN link to the article. It had no bearing on my comment.

Good stuff. I watched this live and Seth delivers some really good points. The most profound and useful statement in the interview from Godin for me was "Do the work."

I'll report back with a full review once I've read through the book.

Enjoyed this interview a lot.

Minor point: I don't think 37signals (despite they are making very interesting products) are kicking Microsoft's butt, far from it :)

Andrew's really taking off with Mixergy! On his page - right-hand side, there's a listing of all the archived shows.

most of andrews interviews are interesting. this one is the best i've seen. seth is inspirational and really puts into words what is happening in the labor market we are all living in now. must see.

I think the ideas he was talking about were better conveyed by Daniel Pink's "A Whole New Mind".

Worth the time to watch this from beginning to end...and then do something about it.

I'd say this is one of Andrew's best interviews yet. Definitely worth checking out.

Good Job Andrew!

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