Our pages are built by our community, so the quality will vary. That page doesn't have a "vertical manager" yet, but it will. Then we would build out the content a little more.
It's not a perfect system, people can't put multiple search boxes in there.
However, that page will never rank well in a search engine (unless by a fluke). In order to rank well you really need to have 500+ original words.
We're in the process of moving all pages to that standard. It's really a self-regulating thing: if our contributors make short pages they never rank and never make money. They get frustrated and we teach them how to make longer pages and some day they may rank.
... it's really not a problem, and the truth is we rank for three things well:
1. video game walkthroughs (typically 2-10,000 words!)
2. how to articles (typically 800 to 5,000 words)
3. question & answer pages (typically 300 to 10,000 words),
Isn't this basic SEO (and i'm not expert): build original content and you might rank. Build short pages, you don't rank.
All pages start short (just like wikipedia stubs do), and over time we make them longer. that's the normal process.
It's not a perfect system, people can't put multiple search boxes in there.
However, that page will never rank well in a search engine (unless by a fluke). In order to rank well you really need to have 500+ original words.
We're in the process of moving all pages to that standard. It's really a self-regulating thing: if our contributors make short pages they never rank and never make money. They get frustrated and we teach them how to make longer pages and some day they may rank.
... it's really not a problem, and the truth is we rank for three things well:
1. video game walkthroughs (typically 2-10,000 words!) 2. how to articles (typically 800 to 5,000 words) 3. question & answer pages (typically 300 to 10,000 words),
Isn't this basic SEO (and i'm not expert): build original content and you might rank. Build short pages, you don't rank.
All pages start short (just like wikipedia stubs do), and over time we make them longer. that's the normal process.