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I don't visit Product Hunt much, but I do follow their founder on Twitter.

He seems like a super well-intentioned person, so I'm surprised to read all of the commentary here on HN. Am I being duped by some Product Hunt scam that I'm completely oblivious to?

No one starts out intending to build a corrupt ecosystem. But when money and it's proxies ( attention, publicity, buzz, etc. ) are flowing around the incentives shift.

The people Product Hunt tapped with editorial control were given that power because PH thought they would best serve the needs of their audience that way.

And like most such networks it starts off as a relatively egalitarian deal, but rapidly accrues winners and barriers to later entrants.

The lesson here is that if the existing networks are closed to you, then you should go ahead and build your own.

And then someday you too can be accused of being an evil mastermind ;-)

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