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There are ways to optimize submissions to Reddit/Hacker News for upvotes, yes. (and I've done a lot of research on both services.) However, I would say that neither is rigged; that is, moderators don't control what is seen on the front page. (Although in the case of HN, moderators have bumped up good posts which have not been upvoted, which is a positive intervention)

Product Hunt, as noticed in the article, requires shennanigans to be successful. The real problem here is that PH presents itself as a meritocracy when it really isn't, and it has mislead naive entrepreneurs into thinking a given product is "good" when it truly isn't.

Correction: HN mods often flag posts down. Almost on a very regular basis. They do this for the larger good.

No, those are mostly by users. And in the case where an article is falsely flagged to death, the new vouch system corrects that.

I thought the "vouch" system only applied to dead things. Is that not correct?

You can only vouch once something has become flagged, but then it works against the flags. (and if only a few users have flagged a post, it is likely to become unflagged by that)

Works for both dead and flagged.

As far as I know that's not mods, that's regular users.

minimaxir is talking about the small repost-bump that some posts get.

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