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Apparently I'm not cynical enough, because I was surprised by this. Does Reddit's front page work the same way?

No. Reddit's front page ranking has no hidden metagaming from the mods. (The most they can do is hide it)

I believe you can check the ones that were dropped in the "Undelete" sub.


Which is probably why certain topics get swiftly disappeared from the front page. Although I'm sure there is/was work underway on tools to automate this.

Most large subreddits run AutoModerator to pre-filter submissions.

In terms of submissions getting to the front page and disappearing, that's a different issue entirely than insider privilege (namely, highly selective rule enforcement). The subreddit /r/undelete captures these incidents.

AutoModerator, by far the most popular reddit moderation automation solution, was integrated with reddit about 8 months ago[0], making it "official". It has lots of options, i haven't played with it that heavily

[0]: https://www.reddit.com/r/changelog/comments/30z70k/reddit_ch...

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