So trademark holders have to monitor and vigorously defend a trademark that is more limited than copyright. What's wrong with that, for an 80-year-old work?
Is this really a worse system than one in which a huge volume of literature and research from the 1930s to the 1960s is locked into an out-of-print limbo, not "valuable" enough to republish and yet virtually inaccessible outside of research libraries?
The fatal flaw of Trademark is in the line of business. Disney would be liable for anything new. That makes the millions of dollars to continue to flow to protect new items coming into public domain.
What if we could have the multi-million dollar Copyright license. It cost MILLIONS for them to keep things out of Public Domain for 25+ years, therefore things not valuable fall to public domain
Is this really a worse system than one in which a huge volume of literature and research from the 1930s to the 1960s is locked into an out-of-print limbo, not "valuable" enough to republish and yet virtually inaccessible outside of research libraries?