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Wouldn't it be better if you use "tech company" term instead? If the blanket term is already widely accepted, I see no point in using "startup" instead, as that will probably cause much more confusion.

We originally had "tech company" on the site, but after showing it to a few friends and people that were crashing at our house, it was clear that people had a better understanding of the site when we used "startup", so we decided to go with it.

That's a huge sample bias there. Cool idea, but 'startup' in the name was a bit confusing at first.

You all over think everything on this forum. I guess that's part of the beauty of it and likely how some people get stuck doing nothing.

What, I'm over thinking things because a bunch of SF techy folks preferred the world startup to company?

Yeah, totally fair. If we get enough feedback to the contrary, we'll change it :-).

Or just add a sentence of clarification to the website.

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