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How about open-sourcing your product before worrying about improving other products? SpiderOak has been "investigating a number of licensing options, and do expect to make the SpiderOak client code open source in the not-distant future" for a very, very long time now. It's no trivial thing to have a closed source client for a "zero knowledge" service.


EDIT: I'd welcome discussion, in addition to your up/down votes

I came here for this exact thing. They said they were going to go open source in 2014 IIRC, and failed to deliver. I have stopped using SpiderOak - how am I supposed to trust them with my most private files when I can't verify that they're not doing anything shady on my machine?

The opening line of this post is amusing. They ought to give thought to fixing their core product first.

I am also concerned with that. That message has been there unchanged for some time now. To be fair, there's a lot of stuff on the Github page, including the Android client under Apache license. Although as far as I can tell, desktop client is not there yet.

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