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This isn't thats complicated:

Because email is dying and is already mostly optimized.

Email is most certainly not dying.

Yes it most certainly is on a secular decline. It is no longer growing at rates that are keeping up with the online user base. New internet users are no longer even setting up email accounts.

Email is dying. Its not dead, but it is no longer the go-forward internet communication platform.

> New internet users are no longer even setting up email accounts.

What percentage of new internet users do not have any email accounts? I haven't been able to find any reliable data.

Seems like a strange claim, considering many sites that new internet users use will not let you sign up without an email account

I agree. I'm skeptical and would like to see what data might support that claim. I've not been able to find any myself.

1.2 Billion Whatsapp users with phone number only

800 Million Messengers users as phone number only

20+ Apps with 100m + users as phone number only.

Together these PN based winners outstrip the combined usage of almost all web apps. I mean you are all downvoting me -- but its kind of funny how out of the loop the thinking is here.

It is declining, but it's not dying. People are not using it for instant communication as other apps have taken the place of that, but email is very much used and useful.

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