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> but I don't understand why they believe this could be "blessed" by inclusion into the repository.

Google is, of course, a big company with lots of very smart people, and they rely on Python (and probably want to rely on it more in the future). Given that they employ Guido and also the primary developers of Unladen, the chances are very good that they will continue to vigorously improve upon it until their performance goals are met.

As far as introducing C++ goes, it's going to stay roped off in LLVM land (see [the PEP](http://python.org/dev/peps/pep-3146/) for details).

As far as community support, LLVM has plenty of that.

Hmm, yes, I understand why the Unladen Swallow developers, and to a certain extent Google, would want to do that. It just seems to me that the community would benefit more by waiting a little.

By the developers' own admission, LLVM's JIT infrastructure is immature and integrating it with Python uncovered lots of issues. Sure, clang has pretty good community support, but that doesn't mean that the Python integration - or even the JIT stuff - is equally well-supported. And the Python community doesn't contain many LLVM experts, I'd wager.

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