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drivers can rank customers as well with Uber.

If I was Uber, I'd make the app record video (only uploaded in the case of a negative user review on either side). The phone/tablet is usually mounted anyways, so it should get a good view, and at minimum get audio if the customer is out of view

Uber doesn't care. Drivers are resources they exploit. They're after riders, so they pander to the latter.

That would imply a serious breach of privacy.

It's not a breach of privacy if you inform all users beforehand.

almost a serious as security cameras in nearly every private business.

> security cameras in nearly every private business

Wait what? Are there that many business that have security cameras recording the office at all time?

Most businesses record publicly accessible parts of their offices. Ever step into a store? An insurance office? A taxi?

Alright, but then they don't record sound.

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