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> I'll take that bet.

Your comment: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10673357


"I bet you $1000" is, 98% of the time, not an actual offer to bet a thousand dollars with a person. The numbers are even higher when said person is a stranger you are talking to on an internet message board.

You are lucky to be able to consider such a thing seriously!

Forgive my honesty and authenticity then.

I don't really think it's a case of honesty, just a frequently used phrase. When my friend tells me he'll kill me if I drink the last beer I do not take it literally and call the police.

I think you interpreted his comment a little too literally.

Why don't you bet something more reasonable, like $10?

Didn't the betting kick off with I bet you $1000 to a charity of your choice?

The second part of that isn't really something you add to casual repartee.

I do not recall that part of the comment being there when I replied to it. I must have misread.

I didn't take a screen shot or anything, but it was there quite early.

I bet what I considered reasonable.

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