Personally, I would avoid changing SSL processes close to the expiry of your current certificate if uptime is a significant consideration[1]. If it's a toy or personal use server, then sure, learn a new experimental solution and save some money.
If you have problems with, there are cheaper options for a domain validation certificate than $150. generally has competitive prices on various types of certs from various registrars. options and is pretty easy to use, has free domain validation certs, but the experience can be a bit harrowing the first time around [make sure you keep a copy of everything in a safe place, you don't want to screw up the idiosyncratic process that startssl uses]).
On production servers, it's always better to use a tested process rather than winging it. This is doubly true when you have a hard deadline like a certificate expiration hanging over your head.
[1] in fact, I don't even like to let certs get close to expiry even when I'm not changing processes, since missing the deadline can cause so much unnecessary grief
edit: A bunch of little tweaks, nothing that changed the main thrust of the comment.
This website is agnostic to the server setup. All it does is ask you to host a file at a specific endpoint on your domain on port 80. It has examples of how to do this with python or file-based on nginx and apache, but there's nothing stopping you from doing your own configuration to host the file in your own way. Hope that helps!
Thanks for any info.