Incredible site design, I've never seen "put the content first and get out of the way" taken to such extremes. Has anyone else got any great examples of this?
I can see why some dislike the UI, but personally I think it works very well; it's making me rethink my own web app design to see whether I couldn't learn something from this.
I bet the conversion rate from views to sign-ups is fantastic. Hear something you like? Want to favourite it? Sign up and it's done. Very slick, very smart.
I can see why some dislike the UI, but personally I think it works very well; it's making me rethink my own web app design to see whether I couldn't learn something from this.
I bet the conversion rate from views to sign-ups is fantastic. Hear something you like? Want to favourite it? Sign up and it's done. Very slick, very smart.