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Wordpress alone runs 25%+ of all websites. PHP's time is clearly still now.

I probably won't bother with PHP, but it can't hurt to keep my idea of what it's like up to date.

It's only technology, no need to be fanatical about it.

To be fair, don't just down vote the parent comment because your don't like someone bashing php; it's a pretty reasonable question to ask.

Most people don't actually know that php powers such a large portion of the internet, because globally there's waning interest in php (http://www.tiobe.com/index.php/content/paperinfo/tpci/PHP.ht...) and it's generally dreaded by developers (http://stackoverflow.com/research/developer-survey-2015#tech...).

In all seriousness, why would you get into php at this point?

Do you want to go and work for Wordpress.com? (I mean, heck, they're building node sites now (https://developer.wordpress.com/2015/11/23/the-story-behind-...).

Are there really that many php jobs floating around?

I'm certainly not seeing it.

There are a tonne of 1-click-wordpress-for-$10 companies out there, making $10 websites using it... sure, and certainly, plenty of people use it as a blog; but is there really a professional path for a php developer?

There's no where near the interest in it that there is in engineers using say, java or C#, or heck, even javascript.

I mean, I'm totally down with looking up composer and php classes if you're curious to see what 'modern' php is like, but I certainly couldn't come up with a good reason to do it other than curiosity.

There's plenty of php work. I don't have that language on my resume, I don't seek such jobs, but there are just sooo many of them that 5 of my previous 7 years of employment with 4 firms, probably 10 contracts --- all PHP.

It's just like "alright that's fine". Maybe there's so many of them because my high falutin snobby peers are simply too good for dirty php. Who knows?

You don't have to work for wordpress.com, though. For example, I do some PHP coding for a media company, which also happens to use Wordpress - WP with redis caching can run a big site also. So yes, there is still php work floating around. Incidentally, their internal tools (content auditing, SEO, ...) is also being done in PHP...

Not arguing, just saying that for example London continuously offers lots of good php contract opportunities. Day rates are slightly less compared to some other tech (mostly tech used in finance), but still decent. It is still very popular in media, e-commerce, publishing, with digital agencies and in various other fields.

I never suggested I wanted to get into PHP, I just want to see modern PHP to see how much of its reputation is still deserved.

Curiosity is a perfectly good reason to do things, isn't it?

Honestly I see more (well paid) php offerings than other rogramming languages. And most of it is not wordpress work.

Pretty much every job seeker website disagrees with this assertion...

...but to be fair, international sites may not reflect local conditions in your particular area.

In mine, I see virtually no php related jobs.

Still, stats show it as roughly 1/5 as 'in demand' as C# or java, generally.

Probably large part of it is an America vs Europe thing.

WordPress is a big part of it, but PHP goes even beyond that. 81% of all sites are powered by PHP. http://w3techs.com/technologies/history_overview/programming...

Cobol is still in use. That doesn't make it good.

PHP is a poorly written language. From comparisons to namespaces to other gotchas, it's just pigs guts. From the ground up, it's a badly designed language. Look up "Fractal of bad design" for a better understanding of why.

Yes, so everybody says, but I prefer forming my own opinion!

I simply don't like to call something that millions of programmers work with "pigs guts" if I haven't actually looked at it for about a decade.

But Cobol isn't used by 25% of all websites. It's just a tool, one that learning will give you access to a large share of jobs on the market.

Plus, who cares if anyone learns Cobol? If they want to, there is not reason to stop them.

The numbers tell a different story. Wordpress powers 25% of the entire web. That is a quarter of the entire internet. It's pretty much your opinion vs the entire internet.

You can see how your opinions come off as ludicrous ?

Not really. How many owners of those 25% of web sites are programmers who have any opinion whatsoever about programming languages?

Who cares about the coding language when the market is telling you otherwise? Isn't that the very essence of starting a startup, YCombinator, the whole Silicon Valley mantra? Listen to your customers.

The customers are telling you PHP is preferred to other languages and is here to stay as evidenced by 25% of the web using a single PHP application as the backend.

No the customers are saying they like the product (wordpress). They couldn't give a rat's ass what it's written in.

I won't argue that the language makes the framework popular. But if Wordpress serves 25% of the entire web, Facebook serves 1/7th of the entire world population every single day, and 500M people visit Wikipedia a month, clearly something about PHP works. Perhaps it attracts a certain kind of personality that gets things done, or perhaps its flexibility is what makes it successful, but to call the most influential programming language of this generation pig guts is willful ignorance.

Or perhaps it was easy to learn for novices, or easy to deploy...

This is a straw man. Citing 2 popular web sites and 1 application doesn't mean PHP is a well designed language. You could just as well have picked 2 other web sites written in Java to argue that PHP is rubbish.

I wouldn't even call it influential, unless language developers have been inspired about how not to design a language. Popular, yes, but not influential. I don't see anything from it being incorporated into other languages. It generally seems to have been playing catch up in terms of features, in a similar way to javascript (where there it's less about catch-up and more about breaking out of the browser & supporting OO).

Just because a lot of sites run it doesn't mean it's not crap. A lot of companies still host stuff on Windows like it's still 2002, as well.

PHP has no place in modern development.

You're not only wrong, you're extremely rude. How many professional PHP developers do you estimate are in the world currently? "no place" indeed.

If you've truly taken the time to understand modern PHP and want to discuss its weaknesses, by all means proceed. Otherwise bashing the professional work of your peers is simply rude.

As I read it he's saying the language is crap not his peers who use it.

"PHP has no place in modern development" implies that peers choosing PHP for new dev are essentially incompetent.

Correct, though I would go with "ignorant of the state of the art", though "incompetent" means the same thing.

You do realize that the number 2 ranked website on the internet runs on PHP.

Get over your elitest attitude. PHP is a fine language and has it's warrants of use.

Speaking of, 2 days ago marked a year since I last used PHP.

Are you talking about Facebook? They're transitioning over to Hack.


As far as I understand, most/all new development is done in Hack.

Granted, a lot of Hack features are starting to make their way into PHP (much like how exciting new TypeScript features are making their way into ES6 and above), but focus has been shifted to Hack.

Hack is derived from PHP, they've only tuned the engine for their own usecase, and not to mention anyone in the PHP community can use Hack.

Hack is basically the TypeScript of PHP. Regular PHP works fine on Hack, but you can start incorporating Hack things into your PHP.

If you want to go that route, then my site is actually powered by Babel and not JavaScript.

> number 2 ranked website on the internet runs on PHP

The frontend is "PHP", but with a replacement engine, a replacement language, and a replacement standard library...

Having written a bunch of facebook-style Hack and wordpress-style PHP, I would personally consider them about as similar as C++ and Java.

The number one bank runs FORTRAN. What is the point you are trying to make?

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