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> It's interesting that they are talking about the Board directly and not Marissa Mayer

They're talking about something the Board, and not Marissa Mayer, is doing. Marissa Mayer is not deciding these things. There's no reason to bring her up.

> Is it common for the press to do so ?

It depends on the situation. If the Board is doing something, the media talks about the Board. If the CEO is doing something, the media talks about the CEO.

The first confusing exception is when the CEO owns most of the company, which makes the Board irrelevant. This is the case with Facebook: Mark Zuckerberg owns the majority of voting shares, so he has absolute control over Facebook. The Board has no power to overrule his decisions as CEO.

The second confusing exception is when the CEO and Chairman of the Board are the same person. This was much more common in the past.

> Isn't the CEO like the spoke-person of the board of investors ?

No, unless the CEO is also the Chairman of the Board. The CEO can have very conflicting opinions and actions compared to the Board.

> The CEO can have very conflicting opinions and actions compared to the Board.

Which usually does not end well for the CEO.

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