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I don't think this is really the right medium to ask that question. You'll find certain topics (Golang, Django, Unicorns) get up voted heavily on Hacker news and I think this indicates a bias that'll hurt discussions like yours.

That said I'll take a stab with it, as I've worked with both. First off they're both MVC frameworks that prioritize a fast, convention-first, development cycle. They both are very well proven, they both have great documentation, and they both have a large number of resources detailing nearly every aspect of their deployment.

So for me it is really a question of these three things:

* what your team is used to

* what resources (capital to buy talent if need be, time to invest in research, etc.) are available to you

* what edge-cases your app might come across over the development cycle (do you need real-time features? might you use a niche data-store? do you have to connect with particular third-party services?)

For each of those points you need to do some planning and decide what the answer if for your team. I believe if you have a grasp on this the answer will be some what evident to you. If it's not, then I think you can just flip a coin because it won't matter to you.

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