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Linux Performance Analysis in 60,000 Milliseconds (netflix.com)
100 points by dctrwatson on Dec 2, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

This reminds me of something I learned today with dmesg, that I'll never forget to use. The Time–stamp flag.

  dmesg -T |tail

Thanks, I need to start using that...

dmesg -H is nice too

Why not both? -HT

Try it to see why not. :)

dmesg: --reltime can't be used together with --ctime

I wonder if you could package these all together into some sort of expert system that would run all of them and highlight the interesting bits / places for further study.

Don't know why but this post reminded me of GKrellM.

when i run these commands on my linux box, some are command not found.

is there a package I need to install?

Usually the sysstat package.

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