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I use hugo on my personal blog at the moment. http://utkarshsinha.com/

A few things I've found interesting are:

- Getting the layout just right takes a bit of tinkering (I mean the layout, theme and include file locations - not the CSS).

- The `hugo` executable is just perfect. hugo server --watch is all you need (plus it's super fast!)

- Also, I'm not a Ruby person. I don't need a whole Ruby ecosystem working on my machine just to parse some markdown.

I'll second these comments about Hugo. I use it with my business website (http://www.optimojoe.com/) and have been extremely happy. As a couple more comments:

- Grab the repo https://github.com/spf13/hugoThemes and flip through the themes. Personally, I don't keep the repository in my Hugo project, but just have a soft link to the base directory. Then, the command `hugo server --theme=MyThemeHere`, let's me instantly see what my website looks like under a new theme.

- The ruby gem s3_website (https://github.com/laurilehmijoki/s3_website) lets me update my Amazon hosted website instantly. Basically, I just run `rm -rf ./public && hugo && s3_website push` after adding a new page and I'm done.

- In any case, like liquidmetal, I'm not a Ruby person, but I was able to easily modify the themes into something that worked well for me. I started using Hugo after running through the other popular static site generators and found Hugo the easiest to get up and running and maintain.

Likewise but I use gulp and the awspublish plugin to get things to S3. This way I can easily push a non-minified non-ulgified version to a staging s3 bucket to test/debug and then a minified, uglified, gzipped, long cacheTime version to my 'production' bucket when I'm happy (which also uses Cloudfront mostly just for the SSL).

Useful insight, thanks. Heads up your business website has an invalid link - "Products" is missing a slash and currently points to http://www.optimojoe.comproducts

Thanks for tip on the links! I screwed up my front page template, but it should be fixed and percolating through CloudFront. Thanks again!

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