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But all over Europe the opposite is happening. Courts are telling ISPs to ban access to Piratebay....

I suspect that the enthusiasm to bend the laws to address pirate bay is slowly going down. Each court case pushes the scope for assistance, and in the case of .se registry case, the court even explicitly wrote that the Swedish law is currently very far reaching in this aspect. At some point all this will be used as precedence for non-copyright cases.

And in the US. Comcast has de facto banned torrent sites, too. If you use them, they start injecting warnings into your web browser, and it escalates from there.

I like the fact that the header says "due to copyright issues" but they include China in their list.

Which I'd suggest is not banning it on the basis of "copyright issues" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Countries_blocking_access_to_T...

Indeed. It's actually blocked right now by my ISP.

been using tor browser for a good few years now for most of my net use for exactly that reason.

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