Thanks. An addendum to his life: Apparently my dad led an early experiment at Fermi lab that discovered scaling violations which led to QCD. It was a while until it was officially confirmed and published. He also worked with a physicist named Masek at a Stanford SPEAR experiment which discovered a new quark/anti-quark. Neither got recognition which is how the good old boys network functions in basic research.
You should really do some digging and do a proper write up, it would make one hell of a story and I'm sure your dad would approve. So many people working hard without any recognition but that's no reason not to illuminate that a bit.
He's gone. And I only have the anecdotal info from colleagues he worked with. MANY scientists are swept under the carpet due to the recognition power play that occurs at the high institutional echelons. I can't prove that either. My dad was a modest man and never extolled his past successes. So, I'll never really know.
Looked up Masek. According to his obituary in Physics Today [1], his team at SPEAR "discovered new bound states of a charm and anti-charm quark." Important work, but not a new quark/anti-quark.