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I got over 1000 people (now 1275) to look at my auction by selling an idea (trademe.co.nz)
2 points by joubee on Jan 19, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

current bid: $5.50. proof pageviews != value.

Fair observation.... but the point was that people were interested enough to have a look at this auction (much to my surprise). The auction listing cost $5 but the fun I had interacting with the sites users kept me entertained at work all week :) Not everything has to be about money

You got people to look at a random page on the 'net by advertising it on social media sites. I imagine it had very little to do with the content of the page.

fair point again.......... but people (at least a few) are engaged enough to post questions etc so someone is reading the content. Remember the point of the exercise was some FUN interaction with users

I'm not trying to say this is awesome marketing or anything of the sort. The point was to get people, I've never meet, to read the listing, hopefully have a laugh and then ask a question or contribute to the discussion.

Why so serious everyone

1400 hundred now and counting :)

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