Title was supposed to be "Ask HN: What Linux distro do you <3, and why do you prefer it over alternatives?" but HN is paranoid about HTML I guess? Anyway, can't even edit it to replace "<3" with "love", sorry about that.
There's a huge amount of variety, but I imagine there's only a handful of really popular distros. And I'm having a hard time finding a listing of the pros/cons of each, relative to each other, from the horse's mouth. So, without trying to call you a horse, I'm hoping you can tell me from your personal experience why you prefer the distro you use vs. others you've rejected. Thanks!
In my view, it really is a fundamental improvement and represents the state-of-the-art in OS distribution. Nix, the package manager, also works on other distributions and Mac, and operates in a totally self-contained way. It also lets non-root users install packages for themselves.
NixOS doesn't have a graphical installer or anything like that though, so at the moment it's for enthusiasts. But there are tons of packages and they are easy to make and change. And the community is friendly and smart.
I've been using it since spring 2015 with few problems, and I absolutely love it... it's basically made me like computers again. I run it on my Dell laptop and on an Amazon VPS, sharing parts of the configuration via Git so that all the vhosts are available on localhost too.
I also sync the main configuration file with my brother/cofounder so our laptops work the same aside from our own user configs. For example, he might create a new service that depends on some packages, changes some configs, opens a port, adds a new Unix user, etc etc, and when I pull his changes from git and run nixos-rebuild, all of those changes are applied to my computer seamlessly and atomically.