> Are you _absolutely_ certain you can prevent unauthorized use of this channel? Keep in mind what you're proposing is that hundreds of semi-independent agencies have the ability to push this information directly into the aircraft FMC.
Er, no, that's not what I'm proposing.
I'm proposing a way to get the six pieces of complex information from the ATC onto a display which the pilot can read, to avoid the pilot having to remember/write down those six pieces of information in a potentially information-dense situation. I would have this in addition to the existing voice control as a backup. The pilot still does the flying.
> I'm proposing a way to get the six pieces of complex information from the ATC onto a display which the pilot can read, to avoid the pilot having to remember/write down those six pieces of information in a potentially information-dense situation. I would have this in addition to the existing voice control as a backup. The pilot still does the flying.
Cockpits are pretty busy places.. it would be difficult for a pilot to verify that the information on the display is _still_ consistent with the last audio update from a controller. Or, they may miss the fact that they got a radio call to change their speed, but the display did not get updated and still shows the old requested speed. Or, perhaps a rogue or unintended signal was interpreted by the unit and the data updated with incorrect (and dangerous) values.
As it is, the radio communications can impose extra load, but this is usually the responsibility of the non-flying pilot and it occurs during routine and non-complicated portions of the flight. For a large segment of the flight path, these updates will simply involve changing a setting on the auto pilot console (change of heading or airspeed). Your landing runway is assigned and confirmed by approach control _before_ you actually speak to the tower and usually before you even have the airport in sight. In smaller airports this responsibility _may_ be handled by the same person or by the larger ATC center serving that area, but the information is handed out early and in specific phases to help reduce the load on the flight crew.
The call and response system is highly portable and useful and is typically quite resistant to "human factors" errors, when you start adding automation and new devices to the cockpit that can devolve into emergent behavior you start to see "human factors" errors occur.
Er, no, that's not what I'm proposing.
I'm proposing a way to get the six pieces of complex information from the ATC onto a display which the pilot can read, to avoid the pilot having to remember/write down those six pieces of information in a potentially information-dense situation. I would have this in addition to the existing voice control as a backup. The pilot still does the flying.