I actually like that it's "red-ish all the time" because I'd prefer that my circadian rhythm match the outside lighting conditions. My eyes (and most others I know) adjust, and it no longer looks orange (in fact, non-adjusted screens start to look blue). Of course the lights around my apartment adjust too, otherwise the screen would continue to look off.
I generally have a hard time getting to sleep, and most mornings feel like I've been run over by a steamroller, so I don't mind a little red tint if it makes even a tiny difference in the quality of my sleep.
Saying you want your circadian rhythm match the outside light, then adding that you generally can't get to sleep while being steamrolled in the morning, sounds an aweful lot like you're not sleeping in accordance with your biological clock. Are you aware of delayed sleep phase syndrom?[0]? I have the same "issue" and it took me years to find a name for it, so I'd rather throw this at you, even if you knew.
I generally have a hard time getting to sleep, and most mornings feel like I've been run over by a steamroller, so I don't mind a little red tint if it makes even a tiny difference in the quality of my sleep.