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Yes, the genocide of the Philippine-American War wasn't covered in the history classes in my high school curriculum. What is even more amazing is how many Filipinos were willing to fight on behalf of the Americans, only a generation after the U.S. slaughtered them.

And given what a terrible record the US has in neglecting veterans of all backgrounds, it isn't surprising that the brave men of the USAFFE were treated so poorly.

We should also remember that this was the era of the asinine anti-Asian immigration policies, another shameful topic only lightly covered in American history books. Effectively they were good enough to die for us, but not good enough for us to honor our promises to them.

Please don't overuse the word genocide, its was not a genocide.

I acknowledge your point, it is arguable whether it constituted genocide, some believe it to be so. Killing hundreds of thousands and placing them in concentration camps is ugly no matter what word is used though.

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