Most recently for me, I saw Arthur's code which might not be what you're looking for. The origins of J[1], is publicly available C code, and even if it doesn't move you, consider spending some time on it anyway.
When I was younger, I learned a lot from reading djb's code[2] changed the way I think about application design and [3] changed my mind about system administration. Actually everything djb wrote is worth learning from.
Before that I recall specifically sicp[4] giving me a lot to think about.
There are also bigger things (like plan9[5] and emacs[6]) that I've found interesting.
When I was younger, I learned a lot from reading djb's code[2] changed the way I think about application design and [3] changed my mind about system administration. Actually everything djb wrote is worth learning from.
Before that I recall specifically sicp[4] giving me a lot to think about.
There are also bigger things (like plan9[5] and emacs[6]) that I've found interesting.