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It's definitely got a section in The American Pageant, a textbook used for Advanced Placement US history in some high schools. I was aware of the counterinsurgency war but didn't know many specifics. I think I just assumed "It was like Vietnam, but with more racism, less press coverage, and consequently more murder of civilians."

I believe I remember also learning that Kipling published White Man's Burden at the same as a caution against that war.

I’m not sure I’d say it “got a section” in The American Pageant. The coverage is pretty slim and light on detail. There’s discussion of how atrocious the American military was, but with some “oh the Filipino soldiers did bad things to American soldiers and then the Americans retaliated” excuses thrown in.

It’s on pp 637–638 here: http://www.scuc.txed.net/webpages/cbaker/files/chapter%2027%...

And pp 646–647 here: http://www.scuc.txed.net/webpages/cbaker/files/chapter%2028%...

And page 807 here: http://www.scuc.txed.net/webpages/cbaker/files/chapter%2035%...

Huh. You're right. I must have read some stuff independently and assumed I was taught it in school.

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