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Reminiscent of the Indian contribution.

India in WW2 is...complicated.

(Unless you meant the Native American contribution to the US WW2 effort -- the code talkers got a lot of the coverage there, especially since the Windtalkers movie)

One Sikh MP in the UK apparently got heckled to the effect "your granddad was not at Dunkirk" - As he said later No "He was fighting in Burma in the Indian Army"

The Sikh Regiment of the (British) Indian Army was amazing (and probably should be re-established in the British Army, in addition to the units in the modern Indian Army,) One of the most formidable and honorable military units of all time, completely loyal to the Allies.

The "complication" with India was the (Second) Indian National Army during WW2, following Subhas Chandra Bose, who were allied with the Axis. (They argued fighting colonialism was more important than fighting the Nazis and Imperial Japanese.)

The Indian 4th and 5th divisions were some of the best. 5th Indian was part of Operation Compass and both were involved part of the East African Campaign. Plus tons of other places.

Whoever said that, was a fucking idiot.

Yes and hopefully they will be able to convince education leaders to right the history books for all those who contributed to the success of the US and it allies.

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