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The Making of Gyroscope Running, a React Native App (gyrosco.pe)
135 points by robbiet480 on Nov 15, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 22 comments

I really like how you got to the idea of making the route overlay on the picture. It kinda reminds me of forza's ui. Real classy work over there.

I can totally picture some people running in a specific pattern and sharing the generated photo on instagram.

Hah nice. I tried to do a heart for Valentines day, but took a wrong turn towards the end. https://www.instagram.com/p/zGjaXjxTL4/

I think the Nike app has this as well - but it doesn't look nearly as cool.

If anyone has questions about starting app from react native I would me more than willing to chat! Ask away.

Starting a React Native app project has been quite easy, but what resources do you use when you need to go deeper to solve difficult problems? I find that a lot of the documentation makes everything look easy, but I don't understand what's going on underneath the hood.

Do you just read the React Native source code to learn how it actually works?

You will just have to start trying. There is still a lot objective c that you will need to write for various kits that haven't been ported over.

So learning how to write bridges and view managers are pretty much essential.

Very active issues tab and community though, so you can work through most thing, but definitely room for improvement though. But the biggest struggle was keeping with it and buying into React way of doing things.

hit me up on twitter if you have more specific questions @myusuf3.

Thank you! I've asked this same question before, but your answer is the most actionable one I've received so far. I'm going to dive in and get a better understanding of bridges and view managers.

In the React Native case specifically, I've found that searching github issues is often super helpful. The project is very popular, changing really really fast, and still has a bunch of rough edges. So if something really seems wonky (and isn't a bizarre use case), it's pretty common that someone has already brought it up there.

Reading the code is pretty much always a good idea, too.

Not the parent but I thought I'd chip in.

When I get stuck using one of the Native APIs, I usually look in the source code. It usually becomes very clear which issues that might have occured. What I'm saying is; there's no need to read the full source code, just reading the relevant component/API adapter goes a long way.

(At least for the problems I have solved. Your mileage may vary)

How have you found dealing with the Navigation/Router and passing props. From my experience it was a real pain, for example when you change route the props wouldn't update or other odd quirks.

I haven't had this issue, but I have had subtle bugs where I was ultimately the root cause. Debugging hasn't gotten better over time. Good old print statement proves extremely useful here.

I've been using Gyroscope since launch -- amazingly beautiful, and well-done service. Can't wait to use the new app (when is the Android release coming? =)). I really hope you guys keep iterating! It's one of my favorite services to share with people :D

We also have a new gyroscope app in the works.

check it out here https://gyrosco.pe/app you too can share cards like this.


Do you have any more details on the "pro" version?

Looks really good , is there going to be a cycling version at some point? Most cycling apps are road centric so a MTB version would be even better!

Holy crap, that "equivalent to 3 donuts" is so depressing.

It shows how efficient our bodies are..

This is really cool. Gonna use this tomorrow & report back!

Is there any non-facebook login feature though? That'd be really useful.

Great write up!

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