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Nit: you call _mm_aesenc_si128() once per call to next(), right? I don't see how that constitutes "1/4th of an AES round per output word". (You do output 1/4th of an AES block.)

You are, of course, right about the actual point you're making. And calling _mm_aesenc_si128() once per 4 calls to next() may well suffice to pass a statistical test. Then again, even an LSFR passes most statistical tests...

Yes, you're right, I am calling the AES round once per `next()` call. But note that this his could be rewritten as

  if(counter_ >= 4) {
    counter_ = 0;
    u_.words_[0] = _mm_aesenc_si128(u_.words_[0], key_);
  return u_.state_[counter_++];
Which only uses one AES call every 4 words (and only one block of storage). Instead, I chose to avoid the `if` and compute blocks ahead of time, which makes for more predictable performance.

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