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Watched the film in 2001, still waiting for USPS to start scanning my PO Box mail and email it to me.

Actually, they don't have to go that far. I'd take a simple email notifying me that I HAVE mail in my PO Box, and maybe who it's from. Would save me a trip a week probably.

I think you're thinking of the wrong thing. govWorks was more of a digitization of traffic ticket payment/appeal, property registration, and other minor government admin processes. You must be thinking of Startup Junkies, which was a series on MoJo - a former/original HD channel.


I remember seeing this on the USPS website a while back, but I haven't tried it myself yet.

I haven't been able to find a way to try this. I'm not sure that it exists yet, at least not everywhere. Seems like each year someone posts something saying that it may be coming, but I personally haven't seen it yet.

Have you considered using a registered agent service, e.g., Virtual Post Mail and Earth Class Mail? They do this, along with other services like check deposit, and it's only marginally more expensive than a PO box.

Earth Class Mail filed for bankruptcy recently


Edit: They're also who I thought this was about. I get Startup.com and Start-up Junkies mixed up. Start-up Junkies followed Earth Class Mail, and was also pretty interesting.

ECM is still very much functional, fortunately, this seemed like some kind of a restructuring move.

Disclaimer: customer for many years

Yes and no. I really want the service as part of my local post office.

I wish I could keep my current PO Box that I've had for years but still have some of these features.

It would be awesome if the Post Office could:

A) Let me know mail has arrived, and from whom.

B) Mail be a box full of my mail once a month to my physical address. That way I can either drive in and get it, if it's urgent, or just wait for the box.

The USPS can alert you when you have new mail in your PO Box. You just have to go to your post office to get it set up.

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