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I'm getting really tired of this argument because it's both wrongheaded, ignorant, and will not die.

Why can't you follow the experts in that field via their site or their online communities?

What's easier, entering your email address into every random person's website, or just clicking "follow" on their name on one website so you get notified when they post?

This sounds like the web service version of the "less space than a nomad" comment. Other people have different use cases, you know?

The depth of which they would go into their chosen subject would be much more enlightening, surely.

We've got this thing called hyperlinks - A headline and a URL easily fits in 140 characters. Of course nobody's reading academic papers on http://twitter.com, nor does anyone expect them to.

How much depth can a conversation that only allows 140 characters per response relay?

How much needs to be?

Twitter is not a primary communications medium - we have email for that. It's not meant to be a primary news medium, we have blogs for that. However, it serves very well as a pointer to those things. It's a centralized pub/sub notification system.

And if you want to have a "conversation" with someone on Twitter, you've got direct messages, which are not subject to the character limit.

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