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Ads should allow me to opt out of any alcohol or gambling company's campaign.

If the ad network is slurping all my data they should use that info to serve ads that have some relevance to me.

I'm happy for stuff to end up in my twitter stream. I'm not happy for anything to sound like it's come from me, or has my endorsement or recommendation.

I'd actually be ok with explicitly endorsing something if it's something I really like (and not get a revenue cut). The sort of product/services where I'm a "Net Promoter" 9-10.

Could have a sort of "tinder for endorsements" built into the platform, refreshed once every week maybe, that lets companies request your endorsement for a particular ad/message.

You flip through with an endorse/don't endorse (and some granularity around "I'll never endorse" this) and have that tied to a custom decay function where your endorsement expires and needs to be requested again.

Maybe you have a paid sub to opt out of this system entirely. And for those who don't want to pay or endorse, ok, let's see if the other mechanisms are enough to support them too.

The easiest way for everyone to know that you're not endorsing ads in your stream is for you to have absolutely no control over it.

Once you're given any control of your ad stream, your perceived responsibility for it increases.

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