The evidence boils down to a unnamed source that ESR trusts... unsourced hearsay. Pretty thin indeed!
I think commenter Anonymous4982 says it the best: "My advice: stick to writing about tech, ’cause you make yourself look like a fool when you write about politics." There might be more along those lines but it is pretty painful reading the comments on that post.
In current Internet usage I have never seen "Tea partier" used once in anything except a derisive way, outside of Tea Partiers calling themselves members of the Tea Party. Much how SJW call themselves SJW's. Unironically.
>In current Internet usage i have never seen SJW used once in anything except a derisive way.
The reason you see "SJW" used in such derisive ways is because many people hate SJW's. Just like many people hate Tea Partiers. The meaning hasn't been changed but the connotations have been co-opted to mean something else.
When I call someone a Tea Partier or Tea Party Member it's never a compliment but that doesn't mean I should call them something else if they identify as and call themselves a Tea Partier. Unless you have a suggestion on how to refer to the Tea Party without the words "Tea Party"?
I can either use their term `SJW` or I can use another accurate term `totalitarian cultural Marxists`.
I don't recall black people referring to themselves as "niggers" when the term was conceived. In contrast, SJW was coined by the people describing themselves unironically.
> Nigger just originates from the french term for "black"
It originates from a latin root, most likely by way of Portuguese or Spanish.
> how offensive could it possibly be!
As offensive as we agree to consider it. There's nothing intrinsically offensive about words, the public view about what's offensive and what's not is rather arbitrary. That's why a certain culture considers "nigger" offensive if used by pink skinned people, while "black" is perfectly neutral.
Supposedly people trying to discredit open-source leaders by making false claims of sexual assault.